Chocolate Mint Brownies

These brownies are my exception.  See, I do not like mint and chocolate combination. Orange and chocolate? Love it. Anything chocolate….I will more than likely love it, specially jalapeno chocolate! But not crazy about minty chocolate flavors. These brownies are yummy though. For this brownie I will forget that not so great mix of flavors and admit it tastes pretty darn amazing together.
I have to remember one of my first bosses again when thinking how I discovered these. I really miss those ladies. Kathy, one of the three ladies over me asked me if I ever had brownies from Schmidth Bakery and I said no. Never even heard of them and I wasn’t very intrigued to try them since they had mint in them. I still remember my brother being all crazy about after eight chocolates and me, sweets terminator, avoided those in a big wide circle. It was my enemy. But one day she showed up at work with some fresh chocolate mint brownies from the same bakery, for me, to try. I was very touched and was going to eat them if they were made of mud! I tried them and loved them. I didn’t had to lie, what a relief. That and some following Christmas holidays I would go there and order a big batch of them to enjoy with everyone in the family. And then for some reason we kind of forgot about them, until this year. Except, this year I decided I should really try making my own.
I will not even pretend these are as good as the original, but they are really yummy and were eaten pretty fast!
Chocolate Mint Brownies
for the brownies:

1 1/2 cup (3 sticks) butter, melted
2 cup sugar
2 tbs vanilla
4 eggs
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup mini dark chocolate chips
1 cup unsweetened dark Dutch cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp instant coffee powder

Preheat oven to 350F. Grease an 11×9″ baking pan. (My baking pan is actually a bit bigger and it fits perfectly all the ingredients once layered, so if you have a slightly bigger pan, use that.)
Beat together melted butter, sugar, and vanilla, then beat in eggs one at a time. Combine dry ingredients in small bowl, and then gradually stir into butter mixture by hand, adding the chocolate chips last.

Bake for about 40 to 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
Cool completely before spreading mint layer on top.

for the mint filling:
2 cups powdered sugar
4 Tbsp butter, room temperature
2 Tbsp milk
1/2 tsp mint oil of 1 1/2 tsp mint extract
green food coloring
Beat the sugar with the butter and when nice and fluffy add milk, mint and the food coloring. Spread in a nice thin layer over the cooled brownies.


for chocolate topping:
6 oz (about 1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate chips
6 Tbs real butter
1 Tbsp light corn syrup
In a small pot on low heat melt chocolate and butter together, remove from heat and mix in the corn syrup. Let cool a little bit before pouring over the brownies.

And that is it. Enjoy!

6 thoughts on “Chocolate Mint Brownies”

  1. I am not a fan of the mint filling. I only used half the mint and it was overpowering. Even when spread thin it was way to strong. It taste exactly like toothpaste. I usually love all things mint but this is the exception.

  2. That is how I usually feel with mint and chocolate combinations, why did someone put toothpaste in my chocolate? 😀
    But, in this combination I really like it, sorry you didn't!

  3. I have a case of pregnancy brain here, sadly, it probably will not be the last…
    Anyway,I fixed that part. You add them last after you already mix the wet and the dry ingredients!

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