Chocolate Macarons



This re-post is something I hope will inspire me to try and make these adorable cookies again. I’ve been going through my blog a lot lately, sometimes thinking it isn’t nearly good enough and maybe I should just stop doing this, sometimes thinking “wow! I made all this!?”.
I’ve been thinking hard why I haven’t been cooking as much in the past few months and I realized instantly that one of the biggest reasons is that I just don’t have all of my kitchen stuff readily available, I have no clue where my little extras like napkins, and forks and spoons I like to use in photos are. How did I manage to loose that box!? No idea. And I have a ton so I didn’t want to go and spend all that money again because I know that I will find my stuff soon enough. But that is not even all of it. I’ve had warranty people going through the house at least once or twice a week for the last two months and the crew for the basement has been working as well. Dust is everywhere. I am about to go crazy.

So I see the light at the end of the tunnel but I need inspiration. So a few re-posts perhaps until I pull myself together?
I thought it would be fun to do something like Julie and Julia Blog project. Get a cookbook and follow it for a year or something. If would be a fun assignment…

For these beautiful little cookies I followed a recipe from Pastry Pal Blog. This is the only recipe I personally had success with, so I stick with it. I will not copy the recipe here because Irina from Pastry Pal has a wonderful downloadable one, so please go over there and get it! I was very intimidated by macarons before I found her recipe. What I will do is post some of my pictures that I took while making a batch of chocolate macarons. I have since made other flavors and pistachio is my all time favorite!


1 thought on “Chocolate Macarons”

  1. Hey, Thanks for these beautiful macarons!
    by the way I've checked the PastryPal for downloading the recipe, but I think it doen't work anymore. Can you upload the pdf here please… by any chance… 🙂

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