Spinach and Cheese Souffle

It’s really hard for me to believe that Christmas is in a month, and next week it’s Thanksgiving. Last year flew by like none before. So many things happened in between, that I feel like it usually takes ten years for all those things to happen and for a person to have a normal and not too stressed life.
But id did happen, and yet we are all here, thankful more than anything for our family and looking forward another Thanksgiving. It is definitely my favorite holiday, like Christmas, but no gifts craziness. I love gifts, don’t get me wrong, but over the years it became the center of it all, so I am very happy to say that the whole family decided on a no gifts Christmas this year (children excluded of course). I am excited about it.
You know what else I am excited about? This spinach and cheese souffle I make every Thanksgiving and Christmas. I already posted the recipe for it last year, but I wanted to make it in a casserole dish and a little larger amount to see how it turns out. It turns out great, which helps me a lot, since my traditional side dish I always bring tends to be the first thing eaten, and people always ask for more.
If you are still not decided on your holiday side dish, look no further, everyone loves this and since I made it the first time it stuck with me and my family for every single holiday!

Spinach and Cheese Souffle

1 pckg of frozen spinach, thawed
6 eggs
6 Tbsp all purpose flour
1 melted stick of butter
1 container of small curd cottage cheese
salt   (I go generous on it, probably at least 2 tsp)
16 to 20 oz of grated cheese (you can go with American, cheddar or some of the lighter Italian cheeses, I like Italian mix without Parmesan)

Squeeze the water out of the spinach and set aside. Beat the eggs and mix with the flour. Add 2/3 of your cheese and cottage cheese, spinach and mix.
Add melted butter and salt and pour everything into a buttered 2 quart dish. Sprinkle the top with the rest of your cheese and put it in the oven.
Bake on 350 for about 50 minutes and then do a toothpick test in the middle. If it doesn’t come out clean adjust your baking time for little longer.
This is the last thing that should come out of your oven, we do it while the turkey is resting and we just add the wrapped baked yams (already done) towards the end to warm them up. Serve immediately.




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