Chestnut Cake

When did this happen? Where did time go and how is it almost middle of December already? Usually by this time I have everything much more under control, from buying and wrapping the gifts, decorating the house to making cookies, cakes and a gingerbread house with my four year old. At least we got the tree yesterday!

Today I also managed to make a chestnut cake, and it is one of my favorite things ever. I love chestnuts, and cakes made with chestnut pure are not just delicious, but pretty easy to make as well. Trick is either in buying pre-made chestnut pure, if you are lucky enough to live where they sell it, or buy cooked and cleaned chestnuts. You can even order them on Amazon. This year I got mine at Trader Joe’s, so that is an option as well.
Now I just have to get over my ridiculous cold that feels like pneumonia, and get my butt of the couch to go get my Baccala fish for Christmas Eve, before it sells out of my local Mediterranean deli store. And I really don’t want to get out of the house. Its way too cold outside.

Chestnut Cake
adapted from coolinarka

bottom layer:

10 to 12 oz of ground graham crackers
1 stick of butter, melted and cooled
3.5 oz chocolate chips, melted
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1/3 cup of ground walnuts
1 tsp of rum extract

Mix all of the ingredients and press mixture into a 9″x13″ baking dish (if you wanted to, you could also make this into a round cake in a 10″ spring form).

middle layer:

14 Tbsp of butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cup of chestnut pure (cooked and blended chestnuts)
1/3 cup of powdered sugar
1 1/4 cup of heavy cream, beaten to stiff peaks
1 tsp of rum

Beat together butter and powdered sugar until light and fluffy, add the chestnut pure and rum extract. Blend well.
Add the whipped cream and mix until well combined. Pour over the first layer and smooth it out with a butter knife.

top layer:

2 cups of whipped cream
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1/4 cup of powdered sugar

Mix all of the ingredients until stiff peaks are forming. pour over the first two layers and smooth it out with a butter knife. You could pipe it on for a more decorative finish.

Decorate with some cocoa or grated chocolate. Nom Nom.

4 thoughts on “Chestnut Cake”

  1. Is there a particular state the chestnuts should be before cooking and making a puree? At the moment I only have dehydrated (which can be rehydrated most likely) but I did see in the Amish market last week fresh chestnuts. I also believe the Williams-Sonoma usually carries some packed in jars this time of year.

  2. Hello 🙂
    I would recommend fresh chestnuts and cooking them yourself but I have to say that cleaning them can be a lengthy process. I think that would give the nicest results but honestly, this year I got packed ones as well and will be using those!

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